Friday, March 14, 2008

Picture: We heART Andy!

Happy belated birthday Andy! Sorry for being so late with this, people being born a few days before you muscled into your time slot. For those of you who haven't been out there yet, this is the beautiful view from Andy and Mary's back porch. Katie and I have just flown in from a picture taken in Arches National Park. Mary seems to have gotten caught up in some sort lycanthropic (look it up, jerk) experiment gone awry. Either way, there seems to be some sort of sacrifice taking place to appease Andy.

Friday, March 7, 2008

PIcture: Happy Birthday Katie

Last but not least, wrapping up the birthday season is m'lady Katie. This was a picture of our Oakland apartment's living room. Pictured here is Katie, Lindsay, Maddie, sleeping me, and House M.D. Also added in is Cranium (apparently the computer game), map of Thailand, a scary poster, a deck of cards, and a box of Nutty Nuggets.

Happy birthday my sweet helper goat.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Picture: Happy Birthday Mike

Only one left after this one. Katie's is actually already done but it is embargoed until she sees it on her birthday. Originally the idea for this one was to put Mike in a scene with all the things of this world that he hates. After being thoroughly disappointed with the different NASCAR images available we scrapped that and stuck him into a vortex of things he likes. I was going to smear the image to try to make it look like everything was being sucked into the void but it just didn't come out right.

The items surrounding Mike are (starting at the 10 o'clock position): The tower at St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice, an Italian boot, hookah, cologne, an Italian dictionary, the Duomo in Italy, pink shirt, German dictionary, Cuban cigars, a bottle of Glenlivet, Dwight from The Office ("It has to be official, and it has to be urine"), CSI Miami VHS, and a bottle of expensive wine. To my knowledge Mike has little to no interest in astronomy.